Adding Sea Foam to an outboard’s 2-stroke oil container [SOLVED]
1 Answers
I have an OMC oil injector unit for my 2002 40hp Johnson outboard. I am getting indications of low or no oil flow into the gas tank. Can I add Sea Foam into the oil reservoir to clean the injector unit? If I can is there a recommendation as to the mix I should use?
Asked by Chuck T. In Texas
Official Answer
Hi Chuck. Try adding 1 to 1.5 ounces of Sea Foam per quart of oil in the reservoir. It’s common for those containers to get contaminated with heavy oil varnish that sits at the bottom. Sea Foam will help reliquefy the heavier varnish back into the fluid oil phase so everything can flow easier. Sea Foam (also petroleum oil) is also safe and won’t alter the oil performance.
Answered by Jim D. TECH