Can I soak valves in Sea Foam if they’re out of the engine? [SOLVED]
Can I soak valves in Sea Foam if they’re out of the engine?
Good question. Yes, soaking engine components or fuel system components (carb parts), transmission parts, and/or hydraulic system parts in a Sea Foam bath is a great way to clean parts.
Start with a slow cooker (crock pot). Either buy a new one for the kitchen (don’t use it for food again after using Sea Foam in it!), or purchase a cheap one dedicated to parts cleaning. Add enough Sea Foam Motor Treatment, High Mileage or Marine PRO to sufficiently cover the parts that need to be cleaned. Add the parts, put the cover on and turn the slow cooker on low or medium for 12-24 hours. After the “cooking time,” remove the parts and gently brush off the loosened contamination with a soft bristle brush or bottle brush to clean the remaining debris off the components. Pipe cleaners work great for small passageways. If there is still more contamination that needs to be cleaned, repeat the 12-24 hour “cooking time” and re-assess the parts. Hope that helps!