Does Sea Foam have an expiration date?[SOLVED]
Does Sea Foam have an expiration date?
I have an unopened 1-gallon jug of Sea Foam that may be 4 years old. How long does it maintain the most effective and beneficial properties for use in gasoline engine fuel systems?
Thanks for the question Tre. Sea Foam is made from petroleum and will last several decades in a sealed container. Expect the Sea Foam in your 4-year old jug to help your gas engine run cleaner and last longer! However, Sea Foam does its best work when added to your fuel system, not so much when kept in the jug. (He he…)
Hi Ellen. It does not have expiration date so you won’t find a date on the can. It will, however, last for many years as long as the cap is secured.
If unopened it will last forever. If the seal is removed and the cap is on it will last as long as the fluid is clear. Hope this helps!
If the cap is on tight, it will last as long as the fluid is clear.