How do I add Sea Foam to my Jeep’s oil system? [SOLVED]
1 Answers
How do you use Sea Foam in oil? Do you just pour it right where you pour in new oil? I’ve always just put it in my gas tank. I drive a Jeep with 90k miles on it.
Asked by Brittany M. In Tennessee
Official Answer
Great question, Brittany. I think you got it. To confirm, all you do is remove the oil filler cap (same place you add motor oil) and pour half a can of Sea Foam into the oil crankcase. At that point there is nothing else to do except keep driving your Jeep until you’re ready for an oil and filter change. Sea Foam will mix evenly in the motor oil to circulate and reliquefy heavier varnish residues while you drive. When ready to replace your oil, all the old crud drains away. Can do this routine every oil interval to prevent varnish restriction and maximize oil flow!
Answered by Jim D. TECH