How long can you leave Sea Foam in your crankcase without driving your car? [SOLVED]
1 Answers
How long can you leave Sea Foam in your crankcase without driving your car? 1 week, 1 month, or 1 year? Will Sea Foam hurt any of the major seals in the engine?
Asked by CARL C. In Hawaii
Official Answer
Thanks for the question! You can leave Sea Foam in the crankcase as long as you want – even until your next regularly scheduled oil change. It’s made with 100% safe petroleum ingredients that can’t harm seals or other parts.
We recommend adding Sea Foam to your crankcase about 100-300 miles before your next oil change. That gives the Sea Foam enough time to circulate and clean, and it allows all the reliquefied oil residues to be drained away with the old oil when you change it.
Answered by Jim D. TECH