How long could I run Sea Foam in the oil of a 2013 Chevy Silverado [SOLVED]
I have a 2013 Chevy Silverado, with 58000 miles on it. It has a 6 qt capacity oil crank case. How long could I run 3 oz of regular Sea Foam in it? Can I go the full 3000 miles? Or do I have to change out that fresh oil in 300 miles? ( I added the Sea Foam to fresh mobile 1-5w30 dex.)
Thanks for the question, Joe. You can run it for the full 3,000 miles (until your next regularly scheduled oil change). It’s safe to leave in there for the life of the oil. One note: on the can, we recommend adding it 100-300 miles before you change your oil. That way the Sea Foam has time to circulate and clean, and the reliquefied oil residues can be drained away when you change your oil. You can certainly leave it in there for the full 3,000 miles, though.
For a 6qt capacity crankcase, we recommend 1 oz of Sea Foam per quart of oil. With 3 ounces already in the crankcase, I’d recommend adding an additional 3 ounces to bring it up to 6 ounces total.