How much Sea Foam do you put in a lawnmower or lawn tractor? [SOLVED]
1 Answers
I understand how to use Sea Foam in my car or truck engine and when to use it, but what about a small engine in a lawnmower or lawn tractor? What amount do you put in?
Asked by Keith P. In Ohio
Official Answer
Thanks for the question, Keith.
For small engines, add 2 ounces of Sea Foam per gallon of fuel.
If you’ve never used Sea Foam in your mower before, don’t be afraid to add a high concentration of Sea Foam to a low tank of fuel (half a can of Sea Foam in a gallon of fuel, for example) and run it for a while before refueling. That’s a great way to get things cleaned up!
Add Sea Foam to every tank to prevent fuel from breaking down and gum and varnish from forming. That will go a long ways to prevent small engine problems.
Hope that helps!
Answered by Jim D. TECH