How to fix fuel injectors that don’t fire [SOLVED]
1 Answers
I have a 1993 Toyota Corolla 1.8 Ltr. 4 cyl. with 267288 miles. 3 out of 4 fuel injectors were not firing. I’m no mechanic, and I did not want to take apart half the engine to replace the fuel injectors at $120.oo x 4. So I watched the Sea Foam Spray intake video a couple of times, spent a little money on a can of SeaFoam Spray, then 20 minutes later I had more power than ever before.
Thank you for saving my wallet.
Asked by Roger R. In Alabama
Official Answer
You are very welcome Roger. Thanks for sharing your Sea Foam Spray testimonial. We’ll post it so others can benefit from your experience!
Answered by Jim D. TECH