I added Sea Foam to fresh oil instead of before my oil change – should I change it? [SOLVED]
I wasn’t aware of the recommendation to add Sea Foam 300 miles before I change my oil and I added Sea Foam to fresh oil. Can it go the life of this change or should I change it?
Great question, JC. You can leave it in there until your next regularly scheduled oil change. It won’t hurt anything no matter how long it’s in there.
We typically recommend adding Sea Foam to your oil about 100-300 miles before your oil change. Here’s why we recommend that: Sea Foam works to clean and reliquefy heavier oil deposits. Adding Sea Foam 300 miles before your next oil change gives it enough time to circulate and clean. It also lets you drain away all the reliquefied crud (residues and deposits) when you change your oil.
That said, it won’t hurt anything to leave it in there until your next oil change.