Is Sea Foam ok to use with anti gel? [SOLVED]
1 Answers
Hello, Is it OK to use Sea Foam along with Howes anti gel Diesel fuel gel preventer? Also, how long will diesel fuel remain fresh and useable when adding Sea Foam, and how much should I add to keep diesel fuel useable for the longest period of time. Thank you!!
Asked by DAVE W. In Wisconsin
Official Answer
Thanks for the questions!
First, Sea Foam is safe and effective when mixed with other additives like Howes Anti Gel.
Second, Sea Foam keeps fuel from degrading for up to two years.
And third, add at least one ounce of Sea Foam per gallon in the tank.
(Also, note that Sea Foam is not a biocide or an anti gel. It works great to stabilize fuel and prevent it from degrading, as well as to clean the entire fuel system of fuel residues and deposits).
Answered by Jim D. TECH