What is the difference between Sea Foam and Sea Foam Spray? [SOLVED]
1 Answers
What is the difference between Sea Foam and Sea Foam Spray?
Asked by Shahid R. In Georgia
Official Answer
Thanks for the question, Shahid! Here’s the difference:
Sea Foam Motor Treatment:
- How to use it: pour it in your fuel tank or oil crankcase
- What you can use it in: any gas or diesel engine. It’s safe and effective in any kind of gas or diesel fuel, and any kind of motor oil.
- What it does: cleans fuel and oil residues to help your engine run cleaner, run better, and last longer
Sea Foam Spray:
- How to use it: apply it through a gas throttle body or carburetor
- What you can use it in: gas engines only. Particularly useful in gasoline direct injection engines. NOT for use in diesel.
- What it does: Sea Foam Spray is an aerosol version of Sea Foam Motor Treatment. Sea Foam Spray works through a gas engine’s upper air intake to dissolve harmful deposits and residue buildup from intake runners, intake valves, and combustion chamber areas. It’s especially helpful for cleaning intake valves in gasoline direct injection engines (GDI).
In short, both products will clean critical engine areas to help your engine run better and last longer.
Answered by Jim D. TECH