When to add Sea Foam for engine storage [SOLVED]
Just inherited a North Star generator. For test purposes I added approximately 1/4 tank of gas.
Before I add Sea Foam to my generator’s tank, should I burn off what gas is in the tank then add Sea Foam with fresh gas to the tank for storage?
Great question, Rob.
If you’re storing an engine, what matters is that 1) you have at least 1 oz of Sea Foam per gallon of fuel, and 2) you run the engine for 10-15 minutes after adding Sea Foam. That pulls the treated fuel through the entire fuel system rather than leaving it in the tank. Whether you top off the tank or not is up to you. As long as there’s relatively fresh fuel in there, Sea Foam will keep it that way.
Another idea:
Sea Foam can do two things very well for your generator: clean the engine and fuel system (anything fuel comes into contact with), and stabilize the fuel in the tank/fuel system.
The best and most efficient way to use Sea Foam to clean an engine is to add a high amount to a low tank of fuel. You’ve got a great opportunity to do that with your generator. Here’s what I’d do: add at least half a can of Sea Foam to that ¼ tank, and run until almost empty. That will work great to clean any residues and deposits that have built up over the years.
Then, add at least 1 oz of Sea Foam per gallon of fresh fuel when you fill it up for storage. Since you’ve treated both the initial ¼ tank and the fresh fuel, everything in the engine will be treated and stabilized.
Sea Foam is made with 100% safe petroleum ingredients, so it’s safe to add a high concentration (up to 50/50 mix of Sea Foam to fuel).
Hope that helps!