Would you add Sea Foam if lifters might be bad? [SOLVED}
I have a 2011 GM 5.3L V8 with AFM. Is it safe to use Sea Foam Motor Treatment in the crankcase with potentially damaged lifters (or lifters aren’t working perfectly)? Thanks!
Hi Peter. Sea Foam would not alter the oil in any way so there’s no adverse consequence if there might be pre-existing lifter damage. Lifter noise, if that’s your cause for concern, is typically caused by sticky oil varnish that will gum up lifter spring mechanisms. Sea Foam solves lifter noise by working to reliquefy harmful varnish and heavier deposits back into the fluid oil phase. When you change you’re oil, all the old crud drains out, helping to keep the crankcase clean and clear of restrictions. Start adding half a can each interval and let us know what happens!