How does Sea Foam help a car with high mileage [SOLVED]
I recently acquired a 2003 Chevrolet Impala with 300,000 + miles on it. It has been sitting for 5 years plus. How will Sea Foam products help it if added to the fuel system, crankcase, and transmission?
Great question, Larry. There are a few things that Sea Foam could help a lot with, especially since the vehicle has been sitting a while:
In fuel system
First, here’s a little background on the problems that develop in a fuel system:
Over time, heavier fuel gum and varnish forms in a fuel system. This heavier gum and varnish will impair fuel passageways and form as sticky residues on parts. The sticky residues build around injector nozzles, intake valves, chamber areas, and piston compression rings. From there, soft and sticky residues on parts collect unburned, black-soot-like fuel and oil hydrocarbons that don’t completely burn through in the chamber. Lots of common engine performance problems (rough idle, loss of power, etc.) are caused by these residues and deposits.
Sea Foam works to safely dissolve harmful deposits from fuel injectors, intake valves, and chamber areas after years of untreated buildup. It works very well to overcome performance problems caused by fuel residues and deposits.
What I’d do: first, drain any old fuel. Add a full can of Sea Foam High Mileage to your car’s gas when the tank is low (around 1/8 tank), and then drive the vehicle without adding more fuel (just don’t run out of gas).
After you’ve run the engine at least 20 minutes, add more fresh gasoline to the tank and operate as normal. From there, pay attention to engine starting, idle smoothness, throttle response, or anything else related to engine running performance.
For a vehicle that’s been sitting for that long, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to repeat the treatment a second time.
In oil crankcase
Residues and deposits also cause problems in oil systems. High Mileage works very well to liquefy and clean stubborn petroleum residues and heavy sludge accumulation in oil crankcases and overcome or prevent the common causes of oil burning.
Add 1 oz of High Mileage per quart of oil 100 miles before your next oil change. That will give the High Mileage a chance to liquefy residues and sludge so it can be drained away when you change it. Keep using High Mileage before every oil change and it’ll progressively clean away harmful deposits and restrictions.
In transmission systems
Sea Foam Trans Tune helps restore shift quality by cleaning sticky varnish from valve bodies and shift solenoids. Works great to clean and condition, or as a pre-flush cleaner.
In short, using Sea Foam in these three applications will help get your Impala running well by overcoming any problems caused by fuel gum and varnish.
Hope that helps, and let us know if you have any other questions!
I have about 100 gallons of 89 octane fuel in my boat that was treated with STA-BIL in the fall. Can I add Sea Foam Marine PRO additive to it without creating problems? Will they conflict with each other in some way?