Using Sea Foam to clean a sticky lifter on my Chevy [SOLVED]
Am taking my ’57 Chevy out of storage this month. The engine has only 6,500 original miles and always put away for winter, but I have a front tappet that ticks for 5 minutes when I start up. I believe it is varnish. How much Sea Foam should I put into the oil? How far should I drive before changing the oil? Can I change oil after I return from a 200 mile road trip? Thanks very much as I have always used your product on my other cars with higher mileage.
Thanks for the questions Dean. To clean up that sticky lifter (tappet noise), all you do is pour half a can of Sea Foam into your oil crankcase and drive. We recommend adding 100 to 300 drive miles before each oil change interval, so adding before a 200 mile road trip is perfect! Expect the noise to fade or go away after 2 or 3 intervals or sooner (lifters sometimes go quiet within minutes of running the engine).