Using Sea Foam to help a cylinder misfire [SOLVED]
1 Answers
I have a 6 cyl. Ford Mustang with misfire on start and random misfires on cyl. #3. How much Sea Foam should to fuel tank? (I believe it holds around 18 gallons.)
Asked by Pat H. In Texas
Official Answer
Thanks for the question, Pat. The first thing to evaluate is whether you have a faulty spark plug (or plugs), faulty plug wires, and/or faulty ignition coil. A misfire can also be caused poor fuel delivery. If that’s what you’re thinking, wait until the tank is low before adding Sea Foam. Adding to less fuel creates a higher cleaning concentration. Adding a can to 18 gallons won’t clean as well as adding a can to one gallon, so best would be wait to add a can or two after running down to a low tank. Hope this makes sense!
Answered by Jim D. TECH