“I just tried your product for the first time. My 1993 Polaris Indy #snowmobile was running like crap. It was bogging so bad under load that it would just stall. I figured the carbs were probably dirty. I was about to take them off and take them to a dealer for servicing, but thought I’d try Sea Foam Motor Treatment first. After adding it to the fuel I started up the sled and let it idle for a while. At first it was idling ok but if I tried to give it gas it wanted to stall. I just let it keep idling and after a short while suddenly the throttle worked fine. No more stalling. Then I figured I’d try getting on it, thinking it would probably just stall. Nope, it took off. Ran better than ever. Great throttle response. Love it when a product does what it says it will! Thank you!”