Would adding an oil thickener interfere with Sea Foam? [SOLVED]
I was told that it might take between 100 to 200 miles of driving for Sea Foam in my oil to stop the lifter noise in my van. Would there be any benefit in adding an oil thickener like Lucas while the Sea Foam is working or would that interfere with the process? My van is a 1997 GMC Safari 4.6L.
Thanks for the question Rick. Sea Foam works great to quiet lifter noise. However, how fast the noise goes away is never the same. When adding Sea Foam to oil, lifter noise can go away within minutes or can require several oil change intervals. Regardless, the key is to add every interval to progressively clean your van’s crankcase, then keep it clean. To your question about combining with the Lucas oil thickener, there would be no adverse effect, so no worries. Hope this helps!